Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Sailing Away

It is finally nice to some snow on the ground, but it was even better to have been out and about walking in it.
As Nikki and I were walking back from RE, the thought of mopedding in the snow, and how fun it would be, briefly ran across my mind. It was more fun being in the company of other people though, so that thought quickly vanished. Hello my name is angel, and I have a moped addiction.

I tattooed all day again on saturday. Joe had come up for a visit, and hung out for a bit while I tattooed. I made sure it was ok with my client to have Joe in the room, and thank gawd they both had a lot in common. My client was very cool, he had been an apprentice at another shop before it closed down. He and Joe talked about music stuff, tattoo stuff, and we just had a good time. I did a PusHead inspired piece to fill up some space on his inner arm. Joe and I discussed putting my Geidusa face on him at some point, but not before I add the finishing touch to his rubber duckie. That fukka snuck out before I could get a picture! *Shakes fist at Joe*

It was a long few days, from thursday to saturday. Brian and Ryan got into it at work, which made everyone feel a bit uneasy, but all is well now. I headed down to Chili's on saturday night after work to meet up with Sarah and Nikki. Those guys had been sitting there for a few hours before I arrived, which doesn't sound like too much fun, so I appreciate them waiting for me. We hung out there for a bit, then headed back to the 'Burg and watched 'The Hatteras Tapes' and talked until the wee hours in the morning. It's always fun to sit back and watch those tapes. I have a small collection of recorded silliness from high school as well. I'm curious to recollect what are on those tapes.

The Red Rocket has expressed its displeasure at me for installing a new CDI kit on it. I'm having issues getting it started (again) and I have been scratching my head over it. I think the timing is off because of the CDI. That, or it could be the monstrously huge jet, incorrect coil installment, or incorrect wiring/grounding. I don't know, but it's driving me nuts. My vote goes to a timing issue, because the rest of the bike has spark. Bah, evil moped. I really hope I can have this bike running consistently before the Richmond rally. *Crosses fingers*

There's really not much I wish to talk about at this point in time. Some stuff happened today, and now I feel like my mind is on a big cube of ice. I am definetly looking forward to my upcoming time off.
Until Menyana.
Over and Out.

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