Wednesday, January 3, 2007

"It's time for something great..."

Welp, the new year is here, and the world has not been destroyed...yet.
I spent New Year's eve at Kurt and Nat's house. Kurt made a ridiculously huge pile of chicken parmigiana, garlic bread, and I made my infamous taco dip. We all ate, drank, and proceeded to the silliness run rampant. I got there at 7ish, ate, and watched The Fifth Element until the tv was pasted with images of Time Square. We all deemed the American version of New Year's to be boring, so we flipped it over the Spanish channel. There, we witnessed ankle bungee jumping, a Mexican NYE Mafia leader, silly hats and glasses, and language pronounciation differences that made us all smile. The fun thing about the Mexican/Spanish channel was that the time zone was an hour behind, so we ended up watching New Year's Eve twice. It was like going back in time!!! HAHA not really, but it's fun to pretend.
We goofed off for a while, and I the last thing I remember was dozing off, hearing the crack of a beer, opening my eyes just as Kurt screamed "More Beer!" in a high pitched voiced, then looking over at the clock and realizing it was 4 am. He and Brocious continued drinking until 5 am.
Kurt and Brocious woke up and ran to the store to get eggs. They came back and concocted breakfast for us all. I can't remember what time we got up, but I'm pretty sure it was after 12:30/closer to 1. I left around 3 and spent the rest of the day mopeding/working on moped.

There was this strange stretch of backroad, and the environment around me vibrated in some wierd energy, I really can't describe it. The sky was the strangest shade of blue, and the sun was a small ball on my left. To my right, the moon was nearly full, but veiled by the clouds. For a moment, I lost my sense of time. It felt like 12 am, but it was still light outside. It soon got cold (even with 6 layers of clothing on), so D and I headed back to G-burg. Since nothing was open, we went back to my house and proceeded to wrench on the Sebring some more. I think we have gained ground on the electrical issue, and once I get the right tools, the flywheel is coming off PDQ.

Work was a little quiet today, and I guess that's good for Brian. He developed some kinda of ear/throat inflammation, so he's not feeling the best. I did have a girl come in today who wanted to get tattooed. It was obvious this girl had been through some chemo, but Brian had tattooed her before, so I didn't think anything out of the ordinary since she was very spunky and energetic. Brian handed her over to me, I helped her with her design, and she was ready to get it done. Something didn't seem right. I copy her driver's liscense, then realized what the problem was. I turned to her and asked her if she's had chemo, she says yes. I ask her if she's taking any meds, she says "Yes." I ask her what kind, and she says "Anti-rejection meds, because I had a bone marrow transplant."
I looked at her and said, "You cannot get tattooed." She looked at me and asked why not, and I told her that her immune system is fucked-up right now, and the fact that the anti-rejection meds are most likely going to react badly to having foreign matter in her body. I told her to call her doctor and ask him, so she did, and they told her NO WAY. They said that if she were to have gottened tattooed today, the worst case scenario is that her organs would suffer major damage, and she could go into shock and die.
Of course she was bummed, I was bummed for her. I apologized for raining on her parade, but I'm glad I didn't lax on the questionnaire. Hopefully she will get well soon, and be able to get all the tattoos she wants after all that stuff is out of her body.

I have an appointment in a few weeks for a serious massage. I had a mini one over the break, and it left me sore (which i figured was normal) and on the verge of PTS-ness. It had me worried because I thought it may have triggered a PTS episode, but luckily it dissipated in a little less than a week. I don't think I have to worry about a major PTS episode for a good while, since the catalyst has been removed from the equation.

Hmmm, I guess that's all to report for now. I know, I know, this blog is boring, but you did read it, so that's your own damn fault! Until later...

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