Sunday, January 28, 2007

"...It follows you up a Hill..."

Ahhh, it's saturday...well,technically, it's sunday now. I'm glad this week is over. It went by fast, and it feels good to have a few days to sleep in. Gawd knows I need it...
Last night, Ryan and I went to see 'Pan's Labyrinth,' or 'Une Labyrinthe de Faun.' I was unaware that it was subtitled, but that didn't make much difference. All in all, it wasn't too bad, although Ryan didn't care for most of it. I didn't like the graphics, but he did. I like the plot, but he felt it was lacking somehow. Go fig.

Let's see, what else...Did some schweet pieces this week. Tonite I finished a tribal 3/4 sleeve, a colourful lowerback piece, did a small tribute piece, and a flaming apple on a hand. That was fun as shit. The whole story behind the apple piece was hilarious to boot. My clients bought me a smoothie from the local juice joint, and we all ended up having a good bit of afterhours fun. Landon's piece is healing up fantastic, I can't wait to finish the rest of it. I'm not sure when Ryan wants to get his started, hopefully soon. I'm very excited about that piece as well. The week's been steady, and all is well.

Since the weather has changed drastically, so has my sleep schedule. I've had days where I've gotten 12 hours of sleep, only to wake up exhausted, delirious, and groggy. Gotta love it. I've been having some silly dreams as well, but I think that's part of the fact that I sleep like a kinked weasel.

After all the progress I made on the Red Rocket, I've got to tear down the electrical again and reinstall a new CDI kit. Apparently the one I bought isn't the correct size, and it's causing the CDI to be underpowered and misinformed on each crank. Blargh. I hope 1977 Mopeds contacts me soon. I have been patiently awaiting my v1L speed kit, my Mamba pipe, and some other random stuff for a month. Siiigh, this moped addiction...I tell ya...
I also need to get a few more things for my room at work. Although it's comfortable, I still thinks it's kinda bare in there. I have been working on a sketch for a big painting, it's just dependant on how big my canvas is going to be. I'm not sure what will be medium of choice. I'm looking forward to finally getting it down.

There's not a whole helluva lt going on, at least, not rigt now. I'm really ballz-tired, but unable to sleep. Tomorrow, I'll be travelling back to MD for a day or so, doing my thing down there. I've got to get my portfolio reprinted and shipped out to P-burg. Meh, gotta put it on my list.
That was a boring post. Anyways, hope everyone is doing well out there in I-net land. Pleasant dreams!

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