Monday, February 26, 2007


Nothing, nothing.

So let's see...this weekend was fun, didn't do much, but it was nice. I hung out with my brother and sister-in-law yesterday. I helped them with Gabe, and we sat and talked for a good bit. They are good people, and I'm not saying that because they are my family. They really ARE the best kind of people. The will make terrific parents.

I hung out with Jim and Ben briefly. I also hung out with my friend, Erica, and her friend, Marc. I'm not really a bar-jammer, so I snuck (or sneaked if you'd like) out early on both occasions. It felt great to be able to see/hang with my familiars again.

I've had a bunch of offers from different studios, but I'm trying to resist as much as I can. It felt great to have the desire to draw for myself again. I filled about 5 pages in my sketchbook in one night. It just feels...tremendous! I've been itching to paint, but my supplies are at my other 'home.'
I was hoping to see some better weather this weekend, but alas, Winter strikes again. I'm not complaining, Winter is one of my favorite seasons. I have March/April to look forward to, and hopefully, some amazing riding weather.

Hmmm, what else?? There's really not much going on at the moment. I had a dream about dying the other night, which was a surprise. I hadn't had a 'death dream' in quite some time. It was kind of scary since I dreamt of being in my car, in a snow storm, then sliding off the road and hitting an embankment, then hitting a tree. I felt like I woke up screaming, but I'm not sure. This was before there was any word of wintery weather, too, so it was kind of wierd to think about that as I drove home last night. I used to have death dreams all the time, and they were actually pretty cool. A lot of the time it wasn't the act of dying, but what followed in my dream. Things like looking into a mirror and seeing my face decay in time-lapse fashion were pretty freaky. Some of them were so intense, I felt like I was dreaming even when I was awake throughout the day. Those kind were utterly terrifying, but amazing at the same time.

Ed called me the other night. It was good to hear from him, and to hear that he is still hopeful, despite things getting a little rough on his side of the island. He has a theory about top feeders and bottom feeders. I really don't think he knows just how true his theory is. I hope that he remains the good person he is, despite the trash that surrounds him.

That's all I have to say for this day. It's not like any of this really matters. In fact, I'm not even sure why I have a public journal. I'm going to go play some Tetris now. So looooooooooooooong!

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