Monday, December 25, 2006

"Wisdom of ages, rush over me..."


Yep. Just got finished wrapping gifts not too long ago. Figured I'd check my email, and cruise the net before I hit the hay.
Tonite our 'old' neighbors came over to the new house. My one neighbor had back surgery, and it was good that he got out of the house for a bit. Their daughter brought her boyfriend and their son over, and I must say, he's ahhhh-dorable. I then realized my sister's due date is coming up soon, and I think I'm as excited as she is. I realized I like small children, like 4 years and under. Older children tend to be more amused by the tv then by the world around them. Anyways, this little boy was nuts. He will be 9 months tomorrow, and he is non-stop. He hasn't learned to walk yet, but he will pull himself upright and hang on to whatever while he stands. If you try to help him stand, he'll push up off the floor to bounce. We nicknamed him 'Tigger' because that's all he did all night was bounce. He was nothing but smiles, and I like seeing that in children.
Our neighbors also brought over their stepdaughter's child, Mina, and she's cute, but definetly didn't have as much personality as Matthew. Maybe because she's so young yet. It was a good night. They didn't leave till about 12, and once they left, Mom and I started on the rest of the wrapping.
The other days was a blast, too. I woke up early and drove to Harrisburg where Brian took us out to breakfast at Cracker Barrel. I got blueberry pancakes, and now I'm in love. We exchanged gifts, had a good time, then went back to the studio. Ryan, Beth and I had off, so we split shortly after and did our own thing. Ryan had to get ready for his Xmas party, and I had to head back to the 'Burg to pack. I loaded up my car with all things Christmas, and headed back up to Ryan's. I stayed only for a few hours, had fun building a gingerbread house complete with 3-eyed gingerbread man and transexual gingerbread woman, and just goofed off for a bit. I split and headed down to B-more where Sarah had managed to arrange 'the Gang' at Friday's. I got there late, but was greeted with an uproar of cheer and ovation. You guys are the best! We talked about the past, present, and future, had some drinks, and otherwise just had a fantastic time. Thanks to Sarah for your effort in arranging the craziness!

Tomorrow/tonite I will be hosting a little shindig of my own. I bought a little bit of booze, there will be plenty of food and high spirits here. The silliness goes down at 7, be there or be [].

I'm not really looking forward to opening gifts tomorrow...yea, I know that sounds backwards. Don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to xmas, but I think I'm just exhausted from all the preparation. I want to savor the time instead of ripping through gifts and being done. It's going to be a weird Xmas because my one brother will be leaving early to go to his g/f's family's house. The rest of the family will be here, though, so I'm looking forward to seeing them.
I have a few days off before I head back up to H-burg. It's kinda nice to be able to go back to work right away after xmas. I know it will be busy, and it beats pacing the house or travelling with all my equipment to do a 3-day guest spot. I have 2 sleeve drawings to work on, so the time off will be nicce to sit down and create some Angel-original custom work.
I think that's all I have to type about for right now. I'm sure tomorrow will bring about another boring entry for y'allzen to view. If I haven't already done so, I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday! Don't do anything that I would!! tee hee!!

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