Ahhh, cold rainy nights. It feels good when it manages to finagle its way down your shirt. Nothing like the fangs of a cold rain drop to send shivers up your back. I think I'm actually doing better with the coldness lately. I have been ok wearing only 4 layers of clothing. I know, I know, what is the world coming to, right?? The funny thing is that the thermostat in my car is stuck on 90, so it's like Aruba in there when I'm driving...and I do a LOT of driving.
Today was busy. There's this fire-fighter guy that has been dicking me around somewhat, and today he was scheduled to have a consultation. Well, no show. It's ok because I had some other appointments that filled the gap. I know this dude means well, he's just a little....squirrely. I'm not worried about it. If he wants it bad enough, we may just correspond via internet.
I tattooed Ryan today. He made me aware that he has not been tattooed for a year. He said he actually missed being tattooed, which is kinda funny because he hates getting tattooed. I want to get back on my oni sometime. I keep looking at it, and he is lonely. I mentioned to Ryan about working on a design for me, but he hates when I watch him, so I'm sure he'll have a meltdown when he actually tattoos me.
Tomorrow is the Atom Age staff Xmas Breakfast. Brian is taking us out and treating us. I have to wrap everyone's gifts and sneak them into my car without them getting too wet. Ryan and Morgan are having a party tomorrow as well, and I am heading down to MD to hang with 'the gang' at Friday's. I was invited to the BTM party as well, but unfortunately, I won't be able to make it this year. I went last year, and it was nothing but elbows throughout the room. Sneezing would have displaced about a dozen people.
My brother's are having parties as well, so if there is a bit of extra time, I might stop by. I will admit, that is highly unlikely, and it's not like I won't see them on Xmas. Kurt and Nat are going to have a New Year's Eve shindig, so I'll prolly devote my night there. I intend on doing some heavy drinking sometime. Going out to the bar every friday/every other friday has raised my tolerance to 4 drinks, as opposed to 2. It's fun to be a lightweight sometimes, but I usually get drunk too fast and everyone thinks I'm crazy when I'm stumbling around and laughing my ass off after 1 drink. No, I'm not a rampaging drunk, I'm actually very benevolent. I usually end up sitting around laughing at stupid things and decorating myself with random objects. Mario Kart, Tetris, and/or Bean Game are also involved in the right environment.
I'm trying to decide if I want to take my moped home or not over the break. I'm a little more afraid of mopedding in Bel Air because of all the wild drivers. There's a few backroads by my parent's new house that I would love to explore. I will be looking forward to summer because they don't live too far from Walter's Mill. I remember tubing down that creek when I was younger, and that is a fun-ass float-trip. I'm sure all of you in the gang remember the time we went tubing down Gunpowder falls...Oh man, that was painful. That water was frigid!!! It was a beautiful trip, none-the-less, and we had a good time grillin' afterward. Kinda makes me wanna go watch the infamous 'Hatteras' tapes MUAHAHAH!!
So ja, lot's of stuff going on, lot's of stuff planned for January. I have one trip planned for January, and two for February. I'll be doing my annual spot out in Pittsburgh, and hanging out in Philly for a few days. March is going to be nuts, and sometime in the spring I'll be shooting up to Canada. Eventually I'm going to take one of the numerous offers to California and do a spot or six out there. Once I can get comfortable with the travelling thing here in the states, I'll venture out to the other side of the planet. All in due time, baby steps first.
Yep, well, I need to wrap some gifts and get to sleep. Hopefully this blogger wasn't tooooooooo boring. Until next time!
Friday, December 22, 2006
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