Thursday, December 7, 2006

"Laugh until it's right..."

I'm back in PA, and back to work at Atom Age. I didn't give myself the extra day off, simply because I had expected to fly in and out on monday instead of tuesday. I took off tuesday, but since my flights were on tuesday, I didn't have much of a repreive between my working vacation. It's probably best that way, I don't really like to go idle for more than a day. I usually start pacing the house figuring out what I want to do or what I should do. Not very healthy for us chicken-heads.

I had a busy day, surprisingly. I had an appointment today at 1:30, or so I thought. I looked in the book and my guy was at 6:30, but he was erased. Brian said he had rescheduled. I was kinda bummed because I had been looking forward to doing the piece, and because I figured his rescheduling would mean I'd be sitting around pondering (I don't have too many drawings to do, only Ryan's tattoo and a koi fish/capricorn hybrid). Luckily, a girl came in wanting some lettering, and she brought her 2 guy friends with her. Well, it ended up being a snowball effect with 'doze guys. As she was getting tattooed, her friends suddenly came down with the bug. After tattooing this girl (who is a real champ), I tattooed her one friend who was well familiar with tattoos. After he went, her second friend decided to let me take his tattoo virginity. After he got tattooed, the girl got another itch, and ended up getting tattooed AGAIN!! It was AWESOME!!! The best part is that she had set up an appointment prior to today with Ryan, and she's due in next about a fiend!! They were super swell kids who sat extremely well and had a good time gettin' 'pinned-up.'

Let's see...Let me backtrack a little, I don't think I wrote anything about my last day in Mass. It was fun to finally get to paruze Boston, despite it being not more than 35 degrees during the day. Mike and Angela picked me up at 9:30 (yikes) and we rolled into Boston. We checked out China Town, then beat feet over to Utrecht. After Utrecht, we stopped at this swank little bookstore/cafe and had some grubbage. They were a bit pricey, but I suppose being in a bookstore, it's kind of a convenience thing. Food was delish, and they had superb smoothies. Def a nice twist to the everyday Barnes and Noble.
So lunch, then we shot down to Newbury Street, which can be compared to South street in Philly. There were plenty of crazy little shops which we buzzed through at a good pace. I had to get souvenirs for mah peeps, so Canman and Angela were quite tolerant to that silliness. It was around 4:00 and we decided it might be wise to head to the airport, especially since it was rush hour time. We made it to the airport lickety split, I bid them a big thanks, and I chilled until my flight arrived. This time my flight was on-time, I was on an un-crowded plane, got a window seat in the very back, and saw the most amazing landscape I had seen in a while. There was a full moon over the ocean, and I cannot begin to explain how breathtaking it was. It's funny when you look into a mud puddle and the moon is like a pinhead in the reflection. When you're on top of the world, it looks like the size of a bus, only then you realize that a bus is not even visible at the altitude you are flying. The moon would hit the water and just illumniate everything, then hit a rough spot in the water and it would just diffuse the glow like frosted glass. It was also fantastic to see what New York City looks like 5-7 miles in the air, at night, on a clear sky...truly inspirational.
Tonite Dustin and I went out riding. Yup, it was cold as a bitch, but we managed well. I had about 6 layers on, 2 pairs of pants, legwarmers, a balaclava, and a scarf. Yep, still cold, but not as bad as I thought I'd be. Damn thin-bloodedness and such. It was still a good time, with the moon being bright and getting to moped for the first time in weeks. I missed my Snark!! Hopefully, D and I can sneak out over the weekend (weather permitting) and go do some cruising. We shall see what works out.

I believe that is everything I wish to report for the time being. Not too much going on, just living up la vida loca. Angela gave me a good quote one day when we were talking. It goes a little something like this: 'When you change the way you see, the things you see begin to change.' It's not exact word for word, but it's a similiar mantra I've kept inside me since I was young. It's all energies and frequencies of a greater broadcast. I've finally been able to tap back into it after being out in the dark for the past year and a half. It's nice when you don't have a black hole swallowing your signals.
That's it ladies and 'gents. I'm going to pilot off to dreamland. HAve fun reading this, it's long and chock full of mediocrity! G'nite!

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