Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Ummm, what just happened?

Today I woke up and now I feel like I forgot a lot of things. I couldn't get to sleep last night, and once I did, I woke up at 8am this morning.
I *think* I am suppose to head to class tonite, even though I am not officially signed up yet. I'm looking forward to that, and I hope I have enough energy for it tonite.

Today I went through a few old letters, and became distraught and justified at the same time. My memory is terrible these days, and throwing letters out would erase the fragments associated with that time. It's like a piece of the puzzle that I should keep in order to remind myself that I was even working on a puzzle.
I can't remember more than two days without the assistance of other minds. Oddly enough, my long term memory is in better shape, and extends well into times before I knew how to speak. I am grateful for that.

I meditate a lot these days. Well, for the past couple years. I also like doing rain chants. For whatever reason, they seem to work.

Thor and I decided the other day that we need to go camping...this weekend. I haven't gone camping yet this year, and that makes me sad. I love camping. I love fires. I love being outside in the woods. It's been a while since I have gone camping in the fall, too, which makes it more interesting.

I want to go up to Hburg and visit everyone up there. I haven't really hung out with R and M recently, with the exception of a few hours once we got back from Cedar Point (which was awesome; I will have to do a post about it later 'cuz I forgot to do one at all). I like hanging out and talking with 'doze guys.

So yea, his is a blah post. It's a blah day. And I am feeling blah right now. I think I have something big and fun to work on today, too. If anything, I got a couple of sleeves to tweak before we go to ink. That should keep my mind moving. Yeh, man.
until later......>.>>>>>..>...Boink.

1 comment:

Brian said...

what kind of classes are you taking?
Enjoy camping this weekend!