Alright, so I said I'd make a (long overdue) post about Cedar Point. So here it is:
I had a great time!
The highlights of the park were the Top Thrill Dragster, and the Millenium Force. I'd said the Power Tower and the Skyhawk were the third and fourth place contenders, althought they weren't true roller coasters.
The Top Thrill Dragster was just that. A launch at 120mph STRAIGHT up 420-something feet, and then straight back down with a little corkscrew action thrown in there. Pure terror before the launch, absolute euphoria upon reaching the top. Not to mention, being able to see miles into the lake and the horizon at the top of it all made me want to 'PRAISE JESUS!' LOL!
The Millenium Force is number one for true roller coaster style. It is a mass of hard twists of metal, taking you down a 320 ft hill at 94 mph. Not to mention, the trolley up the hill was quick and smoooth. It was a great ride that did not snap you around too much, was smooth, quick, and quiet. Top Notch.
The Power Tower....Truly one of the scariest rides of the park. You sit in a seat (with a harness) that is attatched to a trolly on the side of this huge tower. You face outward from the tower, and this thing takes you slowly up the side of the tower. When will it drop you? Nobody knows! It is enough to make your hands start to sweat about 1/3 of the way up. Once you drop, it is the best sensation! It kept its 'Holy Shit' factor at a solid 11 on a 1-10 scale without losing that rank upon riding it over and over again.
The Skyhawk was similar to the old pirate ship, except if you fed it steroids. The shear noise this ride generated was enough to make you pee yourself a little. It had the breath of a chained monster waiting for its chance to break out. Like the pirate ship, it is a swing type, except is went higher, and expanded on more of a circular plane. typical pirate ships took you a little less than 90 degrees from the resting position. The Skyhawk took you about 110 degrees from resting position. Doesn't sound like much, but just imagine if the pirate ship went out of control and just kept getting higher and higher, until the point where you are sitting up, but your stomach is facing the ground. That's a good time.
Last but not least, the scariest ride of the park crept along at a nauseating 5 mph, and just barely scraped past the tree tops. That's right, I'm talking about the terrifying thriller that are the sky trollies, as seen at Hershey Park. You know them, the little 4 person cars that creep along on a suspended cable, intending to give its riders an unobstructed view of theme park awe. But these jankey, ill-kept cars jostle and clank as they move their way in a straight line to point B. You dangle helplessly, bracing yourself for the fall to your death 50 feet below when the cable decides to give, or when the car decides to unhook itself from its line of death. A solid 20 on the 1-10 scale of Horror.
Prior to the trip, James and I stopped off at a Rite Aid and picked up some generic Drememine (sp). I was afraid the side effects would leave me fogged, but they didn't too bad. At one point I did become soo drowsy, I thought I was going to collapse. That could have been from the lack of sleep the night before, and the fact that we did more walking than riding on the first day. I'm just glad that James took over as the coaster nazi. He was definitely the driving force that kept us going! Thanks, James!
The ride back was long. We stopped off somewhere in western PA and had ourselves a picnic lunch. Nat and I slept most of the way (which was good for James and Kurt who were the drivers)! Inside joke, lol!!
That was about it. I loved it! I can't wait to do it again! James gets major props for hooking us up with the ride and the hotel! Thanks, Coaster Nazi!!
Thanks for reading this post about Cedar Point, have a Great Day!!
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