The sea at rest, like placid glass of sparkling sapphire against a curtain of brilliant gold. It surely is a wandering mind's paradise.
Wandering minds, though, have to be careful of falling into deceptive waters.
What do you make of all you see around you?
Truth, or fiction?
Beyond what you see, what do you make of all you feel?
Again, truth...or fiction?
I have learned that there is no hope for a few out there. Even for those few that deep waters has failed to stop my heart from caring.
I wish you could understand. I wish you would take that back. I really do.
What advantage would it have for you?
You are what you hate. You are what your big words mask in the face of the world. You have no soul, no essence to bring you light. You live off crooked smiles, co-dependence, and manipulation between your hallow self. How I wish you wouldn't.
I'd give my life to make you see. Is it worth it?
Today, I live well, but you have no concern. Have you ever wondered why they betray you? Do you ever wonder why they go crazy? Do you ever wonder why they leave you?
Maybe they see right through you. Maybe they try to help you see, but you have no sight. Maybe they try to help you feel, but you have no touch. You feed off the senses of others. When all the chances are gone, they are wrought with despair, and your greedy hunger swallows them whole.
They never left you. You left them.
Stop blaming others. Stop branding them with words that are void of context. Defeat your ignorance, open the gates, and let the beams consume you.
No, what am I saying. Nothing, nothing. You are truly lost, and sometimes I wish my heart could give up on you once and for all.
Then I could be as you are...
Thursday, August 23, 2007
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