Sunday, November 19, 2006

Here's a Blogger...

So here's a new blog for all you cats to read. I'll try to keep this one a little more coherent than my LJ.
For my first post I would like to thank Comcast for being an evil monopoly. Thanks, Comcast!
Second, I would like to say...well, I really don't have much to say at this very moment, so I'll give you an update on what's going on...
Let's see...Moved into a new shop, for all those people who may not know what's going on. If you are reading this, and you don't know what I'm talking about, then you are not my friend, but you can be! All you have to do is eat 3 cheeseburgers and a burrito while on a pogo stick. Well, that might not be such a good idea. Just sit back and enjoy my ramblings, and you can be my friend.

So, onward! Things are going swell. A couple of people have already sought me out from the other studio, which makes me feel appreciated. I have my own room to myself, and I can decorate how I please. It's not too shabby, if I do say so.
I worked on the winged skull upper backpiece yesterday. This guy came in with the idea and he's very, VERY Irish. Not like "Oh, my Grandma's cousin's sister's dog's uncle's brother's mother's goldfish is Irish," but like straight up from Ireland...and he has theeeeee THICKEST accent to boot. I can hardly understand him some of the time, but he's a fuggin' nice guy who can sit through some serious tattoo torture.

Last night I went bowling with everyone. James flew into town for a visit with Nat and Kurt, so naturally, all those who haven't seem James wanted to hang (myself included). I arranged beer and bowl, and it was great, as usual. I have been Shannon's correographer so she could come up and hang with us, too, which was fantastic. She brought her friend Jared, and he is a gentleman. WAY TO GO SHANNON! Issac and Liz made an appearance, as did Ryan and Morgan. Good times had by all.
We were up 'till almost 5 am playing catchphrase, a Kurt and Nat tradition. Everyone had a good time. I'm glad to have met so many good people who aren't afraid of differences. That goes to all you guys in the 'gang,' as well. Last night just made me happy that I have friends who allow me to be me.
On a concluding note,I get Reiki'd tomorrow! I had a client come in and she got a Dharma wheel tattooed. We started talking about it and other things related, and she is a massage therapist/energy healer. I figured that might be fun to try, so I made an appointment and we are going to see how things go. For those of you unfamiliar with Reiki, it's a method of self healing and meditation.
Hmmm, this seems like this could go on to be a novel, so I'll put it to rest here. So long, Ya'll!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yaaaay Reiki!
i'm a big fan of energy work, though i'm just a big wall when it comes to it...
but i think you'll have fun with it, and it'll totally help make sense of your energy :)
<3 Nikki