Friday, November 24, 2006


I hope everyone's 'Tanksgivin' was awesome!!!
We have Thanksgiving at my aunt's house. It is usually pure chaos when we get there and start helping her in the kitchen. The food always turns out terrific, but my aunt gets frazzled by her husband easily. They constantly bicker, even when it's not Thanksgiving. Sometimes it's amusing, sometimes I just wanna smack 'em both upside the head.
There was soooooooo much food to be had! I am still full from yesterday. I don't really go for the turkey...of all things, I go for the Lima beans. I fuggin lOoOOOoOOoOOOOOoooOoOOve lima beans. I also had a huge attraction to my mom's sweet potato souffle. My aunt also made some kind of broccoli casserole that was absolutely delicious. Last but not least, stuffing. I loves me some stuffing!
Then there's that whole family interaction thing. The only person who really annoys me is my squirrely aunt. She does mean well, but sometimes....sometimes. You'll be carrying a shit ton of boxes and food and what-not, and she'll run over to you and try to give you a huge hug while you're still carrying shit. Then she'll ask you a question, and right in the middle of your answer, she'll ask you another 10 questions. She is sooo nutty. I actually look forward to seeing my family, though. My other aunt and her husband are so intrigued with the tattoo thing, so we have some great conversations. It's really funny to hear my aunt say the 'f' word, too! She's pretty cool, even though she is the sister of my squirrely aunt. I usually enjoy seeing my brothers the most. We have a lot of fun together. Usually it's just taunting and teasing, then sometimes it gets physical (in a joking way). Yesterday it ended in a submission tickle brawl, and of course, I lost.

Ahhh, I get to do a big 'ol dagger/rose piece. It's going to be awesome! I can't wait to start it. It's going on a previous client as part of a 'love-lost' gauntlet/cover-up sleeve. I want to discuss some ideas about the filler and the cover-up he will have on his forearm. Unlike his other sleeve, he wanted to piece this one together because he really didn't know which direction he wanted to go with this one. After talking about some ideas, he looked around and came up with a theme. He gave me a vague description of what he wanted for his cover-up, and voila!
He's a good guy who sits well. We have some great conversations as well. I am looking forward to the start of my day!
Let's see...I guess there's really nothing much to report. I have a ton of stuff to do before my flight leaves on tuesday. I'm a little nervous at what to expect from the airport, but I've had a few good pointers from tattoo artists that have flown in the past month. Hopefully the airlines won't fuck with my stuff that much. At least the flight is short. C ompared to taking the train, the flight is only an hour and a half. The train ride would have taken me 6.5 hours....OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not only that, but flying was waaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy cheaper! I got roundtrip tix for what a one way would have cost me. :oX
Welp, gotta go get ready. Sorry if this journal seems boring and mindless. There's nothing dramatic going on right now, and to tell you the truth, I like it that way ;o)
Catch ya's on the flip side!

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